Breastfeeding your baby can be a wonderful experience and we want to share all those sweet early morning snuggles with you. We also know that it can be difficult at times and we want to help you through it all. You can turn to us during the late nights, cluster feeds, and sore nipples. We can help you navigate supply issues and nursing strikes. If you feel like giving up we will be cheering you on. Our expert advice is like the warmth of a close friend. We will walk alongside you and help guide you if you get lost. We want to bring joy to your journey. Through the highs and lows we aim to build your comfort and confidence so you can meet your breastfeeding goals.
Professionally, I have been a Registered Nurse for over 15 years. I have worked in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Newborn Nursery, Postpartum Unit, and Pediatrics. Most recently I realized my dream was to become an Internationally Certified Lactation Consultant. My passion in life is serving women and children. Personally, I serve as a leader in my local MOPS group. In 2023 I traveled on mission to Guatemala caring for young girls rescued from human trafficking with Kids Alive International. My husband and I have 4 children whom I nursed for a total of nearly 8 years. I have learned to love my mothering body. I have such gratitude for its ability to house and nourish my children. As an educator and a cheerleader it is my priority to hear your goals and meet you where you are. Let’s chat lactation!
I have been a registered nurse for over 20 years. In my career I have worked with the hospital’s tiniest patients in the NICU. My passion has always been helping moms breastfeed. Recently I decided to pursue that dream by becoming a Certified Lactation Counselor. My breastfeeding journey was not always easy. I have 3 girls; 2 here on earth and 1 beautiful guardian angel. With my first daughter I exclusively pumped. I did not feel prepared for how hard breastfeeding could be. My second daughter was born with developmental disabilities and it was a challenge to put her to breast. When I finally breastfed my youngest daughter I was determined to meet my goals. I am proud to say that I was able to exclusively breastfeed for one year! Every mom has different breastfeeding goals and I am excited to help you achieve yours, whatever they may be.